Dedication to Customer Service

Our commitment to customer service must be evident in all that we do. It's not what we do that matters any longer but how we do it. In understanding service excellence, we begin to see the benefits, the space that it buys us, the opportunities that it extends and the 'cash in the bank' that it provides. This category aims to commend those that deliver a high level of customer service continuously enabling a synonymous relationship with the products we deliver and enhancing the product on offer.

Please note that each question has a maximum number of words

Your Details

Nominee Details


This category has 3 questions which you must complete. The answers you provide will be marked by the shortlisters during the judging process.

Please refer to your nominee using pronouns such as 'they', 'them', 'he', and 'her' rather than by name as this ensures nominations are anonymous to those scoring.

Include details of what they did.

Include details of what they did and why this helped.

Include details of why this helped.

If you have finished your submission and are happy with it, please click on the submit button below. If you want to make changes to it before submitting it click on save for later. You will then get an email containing a link which you can use to go back to your application at any time.